“We have to get started with Data-Driven Working”. A relatively new topic on many management team agendas. In both the profit and non-profit sector, the phenomenon of "data" is becoming more and more pressing.


Carly Fiorina EX CEO HP

Data is the oxygen for a healthy company. Since the inception of business, data and information has played a major role. Where we have traditionally obtained our insights through knowledge and experience, a new source has been added since the emergence of information technology: data. More insights come from data than any other source. The insights are better substantiated and new insights are created. This ultimately leads to more confidence in decision making.  


The government puts it as follows:

“Data Driven Working is working on the basis of facts from society, which are collected in the form of data, analysed for information, together with domain knowledge, interpreted in the correct way into useful insights, and based on these insights possible decision to make what gives a higher value to society”.

Onze klant, een grote gemeente, startte 2 jaar geleden een omvangrijk programma rondom ‘Data Gedreven Werken’. Hoofdmoot: rationalisering en verdere professionalisering van het data landschap en alle daarbij behorende technische ondersteuning. Als belangrijk onderdeel werd al direct onderkend om ‘de mensen’ mee te nemen. Data Gedreven Werken kan niet alleen maar gaan over hardware, software en databestanden. Zodoende ontstond de opzet van een leerprogramma rondom ‘Data’ voor alle managers en medewerkers, voor elk wat wils. Als opwarmer, introductie, of als ‘amuse’ werd Digital Rocks gevraagd een ontwerp te maken van een awareness game rondom Data Gedreven Werken.



Digital Rocks started with an inventory of usefulness, necessity and requirements for a serious game. A short and powerful survey consisting of twenty interviews at all levels of the organisation provided excellent input. Some questions we asked: what does data driven work entail for you; how do you apply it today and what is your view on data driven work in the future.

The result was a collection of more than 70 statements, "unplugged"… straight from the interviews. To name a few:

  • "Data, information… isn't that all the same ?!”
  • "Share our data? I'll be careful. Others will run off with it! ”
  • “I've been doing Data Driven Working for years. I am a Champion in word, excel and powerpoint! ”
  • "We always have to repair and supplement data for half a day before we can do anything with it!"
  • “Install sensors on trams? What nonsense, they are already on buildings anyway! ”
  • "When I share data, others start complaining about the quality."
  • "The data is not correct, but that is not our business."
  • "Data is always about hassle. Privacy, security, fake news ”!



By bundling these 70 statements together, we arrived at a number of clearly defined learning objectives. To avoid getting a somewhat too one-sided picture of one organisation, we tested these learning goals at five consultancy bureaus in the field of data services.

All in all this resulted in the identification of 7 themes or learning objectives. E.g. learning the 'power of data sharing' or learning about the 'application of Artificial Intelligence and other new age technology'. 


Met dit voortraject op zak begon het creatieve proces. Na (letterlijk) een stomend bezoek aan een sauna lag het idee op tafel: een moordspel! Hoewel niet heel veel ervaring met moorden……als er nou ergens data een rol speelt is dat wel bij het oplossen van een moord! Moordspel ‘The Bridge’ was geboren. Moord op de Erasmusbrug. De geselecteerde 7 thema’s / leerdoelen leerdoelen konden wij er ruimschoots in kwijt. Soms impliciet verscholen in de game, soms expliciet benoemd door de chat bot of de hoofdcommissaris van politie.



At the beginning of 2020, the serious game The Bridge was ready to play, that is.....in a room with 4 players and a PC. Set up in Virtual Reality with a digital murder board. Solve the murder together within an hour. With VR glasses on to the crime scene. Interview witnesses, collect evidence, watch camera images, etc.

March 2020. Corona! No people in a room currently. Through necessity, completely converted the game into an online murder game in VR. Everyone in their own space and in teams of 4 at the same time on the murder board!

Going live in the summer and now dozens of teams are fully-fledged detectives who have succeeded in solving the murder. And…...picked up some eye openers in the field of Data Driven Working!

Bekijk hier de TRAILER van The Bridge!


Digital Rocks, together with the game architects of Pilipili Games, developed the online murder game THE BRIDGE in which participants have to solve a murder. Theme: Data Driven Working. Everyone from his or her attic room or kitchen table, linked in on Teams or a Zoom meeting, working together. Check out our website for more information.

We are Digital Rocks. We build serious games.

seriously welcome @ www.digitalrocks.eu
